
This article presents a case study. Sexual abuse greatly affects children's behavior, emotions and way of thinking. One of the most frequent disorders after exposure or experiencing sexual abuse is post-traumatic stress disorder. The assault does not end with the action, the way of experiencing this trauma affects the later life of the child full of long-term negative effects, if it is not intervened at the right time. Harassment or sexual abuse leads also to a weak physical health. The case of Emma, who was presented to the pediatric emergency room, with numerous physiological complaints, such as; dizziness, severe headache, unconsciousness, vomiting. Specific examinations showed the absence of any possible organic cause. Based on the sessions conducted with the patient, it appears that the girl was sexually abused. During the clinical conversation, the patient is very withdrawn, isolated and does not want to talk. Appreciating her silence, the use of art therapy was seen as appropriate. Art therapy reached very interesting findings, which were later confirmed by other medical examinations as well as subsequent conversations with the patient. Art therapy was used to assess her emotional, cognitive and rational state. Its use increased the efficiency of assessment and promoted the definition of treatment objectives. The girl was asked to draw all the members of her family. Interpretation of drawing when observed for therapeutic purposes.

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