
Documented case of the clinical observations of the complicated course of beef tapeworm infection (Taenia saginata) have a child 17 years of age. Three years ago, the patient first noticed the active isolation of the cuttings from the anus. Other clinical symptoms were absent and the disease was latent. At the end of may 2017, symptoms of an acute abdomen developed and an appendectomy was performed on 03.06.2017. Diagnosis after surgery: acute gangrenous perforative appendicitis, periappendicular abscess, diffuse purulent peritonitis. 07.06.2017 was a single vomiting. In the vomit seen the segments of the flat worm. 09.06.2017, segments of worms found in the feces. They were identified as arthropods of Taenia saginata. From 14.06.2017 the patient’s condition worsened, the temperature increased, there were pains in the left half of the chest. In the following days the condition remained grave. According to CT (from 19.06.2017) helminth was determined in the lumen of the left lower salt bronchus. Bronchoscopy was performed (21.06.2017), which reduced the presence of signs of inflammation of the left lower salt bronchus. Worms are not detected. Sputum sowing was performed, but sputum microscopy was not carried out. Ultrasound (23.06.2017) showed the presence of fluid in the left pleural cavity. Puncture was performed and 70 ml of serous fluid was obtained. In the future, double-prosodical puncture which was obtained 600 and 500 ml of a yellow viscous exudate. On 29.06.2017, teniid eggs were found in sputum. Praziquantelum is prescribed 25 mg / kg once. On 04.07.2017, the fourth puncture of the pleural cavity was performed, 200 ml of light yellow effusion was obtained. In the days following the symptoms of pleurisy had disappeared and 10.07.2018, came recovery. Lung damage, which developed as a result of aspiration of the arthroplasty Taenia saginata was accompanied by a rare dry cough and moderate severe intoxication syndrome. The severity of the patient’s condition was determined by severe respiratory failure and pain. Auscultation of the wheezing was not. Over the lesion was sharply pronounced weakened breathing. In the peripheral blood was determined by high ESR, moderate leukocytosis and no eosinophilia.


  • Documented case of the clinical observations of the complicated course of beef tapeworm infection (Taenia saginata) have a child 17 years of age

  • At the end of may 2017, symptoms of an acute abdomen developed and an appendectomy was performed on 03.06.2017

  • In the vomit seen the segments of the flat worm. 09.06.2017, segments of worms found in the feces. They were identified as arthropods of Taenia saginata

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Documented case of the clinical observations of the complicated course of beef tapeworm infection (Taenia saginata) have a child 17 years of age. Ключевые слова: Taenia saginata, бычий цепень, тениаринхоз, осложненное течение, атипичная локализация гельминта, аппендицит, перитонит, плеврит. В организм человека паразит попадает при упот­реблении в пищу сырого или недостаточно проваренного финнозного мяса животных – промежуточных хозяев этого гельминта. Многочисленные клинические наблюдения прошлых лет, когда тениаринхоз регистрировался на многих территориях СССР, свидетельствуют, что это заболевание очень часто протекало латентно или малосимптомно, когда единственным приз­наком служило активное выделение члеников Т.

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