
INTRODUCTION: Hyperreactio luteinalis is a rare condition in pregnancy characterized by enlarged ovaries with multiple theca luteal cysts. This report describes a patient with recurrent hyperreactio luteinalis in three consecutive pregnancies. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: A 32 year old multigravida woman with hyperreactio luteinalis resulting in bilateral ovarian enlargement during three consecutive pregnancies. Noninvasive imaging was used to assess growth throughout each pregnancy, and drainage was required during the first pregnancy due to severe abdominal distention. Endocrine evaluation revealed elevated testosterone and androstenedione though the patient did not exhibit signs of virilization beyond severe acne. CONCLUSION: Theca lutein cysts resolved in the 3 month postpartum period during all three pregnancies. Many patients who have suffered from hyperreactio luteinalis have undergone cystectomies or oophorectomies even though cyst resolution in this condition has always been documented to occur within a few months postpartum. It is essential to increase awareness of this condition to avoid unnecessary oophorectomies in the future.

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