
Melioidosis is a bacterial infection associated with high mortality. The diagnostic approach to this rare disease in Europe is challenging, especially because pulmonary manifestation of melioidosis can mimic pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Antibiotic therapy of melioidosis consists of an initial intensive phase of 2-8 weeks followed by an eradication therapy of 3-6 months. We present the case of a 46-year-old female patient with pulmonary melioidosis in Germany. The patient showed chronic cough, a pulmonary mass and a cavitary lesion, which led to the initial suspicion of pulmonary TB. Melioidosis was considered due to a long-term stay in Thailand with recurrent exposure to rice fields. Microbiologic results were negative for TB. Histopathology of an endobronchial tumor showed marked chronic granulation tissue and fibrinous inflammation. Melioidosis was diagnosed via polymerase chain reaction by detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei/mallei target from mediastinal lymph-node tissue. This case report emphasizes that melioidosis is an important differential diagnosis in patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis and recent travel to South-East Asia.

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