
Normal radiological discoveries of Covid 19 disease incorporate reciprocal ground glass opacities in lower flaps with a fringe circulation. Pleural radiation is viewed as an uncommon indication of Covid 19 contamination. Pleural effusion can be divided into transudative & exudative pleural effusions. Transudative pleural effusion occurs due to cirrhosis, heart failure, post open heart surgery & pulmonary embolism whereas an exudative pleural effusion are triggered by pulmonary bacterial pneumonia or tuberculosis, cancer, inflammatory disorders such as pancreatitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, post-cardiac injury syndrome, chylothorax (due to lymphatic obstruction), hemothorax (blood in the pleural space), and benign asbestos pleural effusion. This two types of pleural effusion can be identified by measurement of the pleural fluid protein and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH). When the patient's serum total protein is normal but the pleural fluid protein is less than 25g/L, the fluid is classified as a transudate. The fluid is an exudate if the protein content of the pleural fluid is greater than 35g/L. We'll look at the case of a 55-years-old male farmer with complains of breathlessness, cough, fever and left sided chest pain since 3 weeks. He had a history of Covid 19 Positive status 1 month back for which he took medications based on Covid 19 guidelines and HRCT score was 12/25. High amounts of Creactive protein & ferritin were discovered in laboratory tests. Chest X-ray & CT scan identified a massive left sided pleural effusion.

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