
The patient, MA., is a 30 year old housewife who for the last five years, has complained of pain in the back which suddenly increased in intensity two months previous to her admittance to the hospital, at first, with chills, later with fever, coughing and dark colored sputum. Within a few days the pain in her back decreased in intensity but as the fever, coughing and expectoration continued, she was admitted to the hospital on December 1, 1947. In her past history there was nothing of significance except malaria. Physical examination revealed the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems to be normal, but, examination of the respiratory system showed an Increase in vocal fremitus, dullness and large moist rales in the right paravertebral region at the level of the scapula. Roentgenologically, at the right, a homogenous tumour-like density was detected lying along the right boundary of the heart, and the outer border of which was fairly even and rounded (Fig. 1). The amount of yellowish green sputum was 25 to 100 cc. per 24 hours, with plenty of leucocytes but no acid-fast bacilli, elastic fibers or hooks. At the time of her admission, once only, were found 3.5 grams albumin per litre urine. She stayed at the hospital from December 1, 1947 until April 4, 1948, and was treated with penicillin and suiphonamides. Her general health Improved somewhat, sputum decreased and she gained in weight (former

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