
Recent experience with a pediatric case of perforation of the cervical esophagus due to accidentaly ingested pool cleaner which caused mediastinitis is described here, with a review of the literature. A 12-year-old girl who happened to ingest a pool cleaner tablet was referred to the hospital because of dyspnea. From an esophageal contrast examination, she was diagnosed as having a perforation of the cervical esophagus accompanied by mediastinitis. Primary closure of the perforation and left cervicomediastinal and paraesophageal drainage were carried out. After the operation right mediastinitis became worse. Seventeen days following the injury, the right cervicomediastinal and paraesophageal drainage was performed, but the inflammation advanced. Twenty-seven days after the injury, esophageal drainage with a T Tube, paraesophageal and right cervicomedias-tinal drainage with a Duple drain were performed. The inflammation gradually subsided as the paraesophageal and mediastinal continuous lavage with povidone iodine solution were applied.

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