
Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder involving infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, caused often by excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries develop numerous small collections of fluid — called follicles — and may fail to regularly release eggs. PCOS is a complex disorder of uncertain etiology, having strong evidence that it is a genetic disease. This paper presents a case of PCOS treated successfully by Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols. Method: This report uses case study method of investigating the case of a 22-year-old female diagnosed with having PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) during 2015. First symptoms were heavy menstrual flow accompanied by weakness. A Gynaecologist advised Ultrasound, full body test that revealed multiple cysts. The doctor prescribed steroids for treatment of this condition without any improvement, and instead deterioration was taking place. Her medical history before PCOS showed that she had sinusitis, low Iron count in blood and irregular periods. Results: The patient joined YPV from January 2017. She started taking healings from a senior YPV trainer from March, 2017, when she stopped taking medications. The senior YPV trainer helped the patient greatly through healings and constant nurturing. Slowly and gradually through healings, meditations, physical exercises, rhythmic breathing, forgiveness and learning lessons over the course of three years, the patient began to recover from march 2017 onwards. Conclusion: PCOS is one of the most important endocrine female disorders affecting in the reproductive age and may lead to serious complications, if not given due care and attention. Scientific studies are needed to determine the exact etiology of PCOS, and methods of proper management. Further research using YPV with appropriate number of samples of cases similar to this case is recommended to throw more light on treatment and normalization of this condition to give renewed life to patients in the society at large.

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