
Oxycephaly, otherwise known as Acrocephaly or Tower Skull, is a sufficiently rare condition to merit record of a case. S— M—, a girl aged nine, was referred to me at the Medical College Hospital for a radiographic opinion by my colleague, Major Banerjee, I.M.S. The history was as follows:— The child had a normally shaped skull at birth. As the child grew up the skull began to elongate till the present condition of an enormously tall skull had been reached. There has been progressive blindness from the age of three onwards. Headaches had started shortly after, increasing in severity, and often accompanied by vomiting. There was no history given of any other illness worth noting. The mother and father of the child appeared healthy and denied any history of specific disease. The child's present condition is as follows:— Undersized—she has the appearance of a child of six. The skull is much elongated, and short in an antero-posterior direction. No other bodily deformities such as the acrocephalosyndactyly wit...

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