
Departments of Neurology and Pathology, Deajeon St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Daejeon, Korea L e p to m e n in g e a l ca rc in o m a to s is , a n im p o rta n t a n d se rio u s n e u ro lo g ica l co m p lica tio n o f m a lig n a n t ca n ce rs , is a sso c ia ted w ith severe d isab ility and h igh m orta lity . It is m ost com m only seen in pa tients w ith b reast cancer, lung cancer and m alignant m elanom a. However, leptom eningeal carcinom atosis induced by gastric cancer has been rare ly reported, although gastric cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in Korea. We report a case of a 76year-old wom an w ith leptom eningeal carcinom atosis presenting as a neurological com plication of gastric cancer and confirm ed by cytology exam ination of the cerebrospinal flu id and b ra in m agnetic resonance im aging w ith gadolin ium e n h a n ce m e n t. K e y W o rd s : M e n in g e a l ca rc in o m a to s is , N e u ro lo g ica l co m p lica tio n , S to m a ch n e o p la sm s

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