
Background:Jugular paraganlioma is a slow-growing tumor originating from the paraganglion cells. The diagnosis of a jugular paraganglioma may be delayed due to its atypical symptoms. We report a case of jugular paraganglioma presented as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Clinical presentation: 29-years old woman with preliminary diagnosis probable atypical face pain. She experienced her pain for the first time 2 months prior to reference. Pain intensity was seven to eight out of ten points on Visual Analogue Scale, simple and combined analgetics and NSAIDs were ineffective. Pain was dull, aching, localized in the right temporal area with irradiation to the ipsilateral maxillar and periauricular areas. Pain was more intensive in the nighttime. Temporomandibular joint movement (maximum unassisted and assisted opening, right to left movements) also increased pain. Significant dilatation of right foramen jugularis with its right side destruction was detected by computed tomography with contrast. The radiological findings were consistent with those of a jugular paraganglioma. Conclusion:This case confirms that in refractory headache and TMJ pain other reasons should be considered with rigorous investigation including neuroimaging

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