
A 66-year-old male presented to our hospital in January 1990 with chief complaints of hemoptysis and cough. These symptoms had developed 10 months previously and had gradually increased. Fine crepitations were audible over the right lower lung field. There were no results suggesting an inflammatory process such as leucocytosis, elevation of ESR or positive CRP reaction. Chest X-ray film on the first visit showed fine nodular shadows in the right lower lung field, and chest CT revealed fine nodular shadows and mild dilatation of the right lower lobe bronchus. Transbronchial lung biopsy specimens showed granulomas with multinucleated giant cells, alveolitis and Masson bodies. The open lung biopsy specimens showed numerous macrophages and foreign body giant cells, and extensive organizing exudates in the bronchioles and alveolar spaces. Proliferation of smooth muscle and fibrosis around the dilated bronchioles were also seen. Thus, this patient demonstrated BOOP pattern, with granulomas and foreign body giant cells. His hemoptysis appeared to have resulted from inflammation of dilated bronchioles. His symptoms and abnormal shadows on chest X-ray improved without any therapy after admission. After treatment with corticosteroid, the diffuse fine nodular shadows disappeared. There has been no recurrence of symptoms to date, although this patient has continued living in the same environment as prior to admission. BAL findings during his prolonged follow-up revealed decrease in lymphocytes and elevation of CD4/CD8 ratio. Although the presence of granulomas suggests the possibility of an allergic reaction, no antigenic material could be identified in this case.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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