
방광요관역류(5등급)가 동반된 요로감염영아(4개월)에서 발열 초기(15시간)에 민감한 항생제로 치료하였음에도 불구하고 신농양으로 진행되었고 장기 항생제 치료(6주)와 초음파 감시하 세침 흡인으로 경도의 신반흔을 남기고 호전된 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. 【Urinary tract infection (UTI) is most commonly diagnosed bacterial infection in febrile infants. Renal abscess is a very rare complication of UTI in children. Early diagnosis and treatment with appropriate antibiotics are important because renal scar correlates positively with the time of treatment. Renal ultrasonography and abdominal computerized tomography facilitates an earlier diagnosis and is also useful in establishing percutaneous drainage. Extended broad spectrum antibiotics therapy alone can be effective in most types of renal abscesses in infant, but some antibiotics-resistant cases need surgical drainage or nephrectomy. We report a case of a infant UTI, that progressed to renal abscess despite early antibiotic treatment and was treated with US guided percutaneous needle aspiration.】

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