
Bladder diverticulum is caused by herniation of the urothelium through the muscular layer of the bladder wall, being formed by mucosa, lamina propria, few muscular fibres and adventitia. Bladder diverticula are classified as congenital or acquired. Congenital ones usually appear in young ages with a maximum incidence before 10 years and are usually unique, almost exclusively in males, located posteromedially to the ureteral ostium and resulting from the weakness of the bladder wall in this portion. Acquired ones generally are due to high intra-vesical pressure caused by infra-vesical obstruction or detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia. More rarely are due to wall debility after bladder surgery. Often develop in males after sixth decade, in about 12% of patients with infra-vesical obstruction. Usually multiple and associated with important trabeculation of the bladder wall. If the ureteral ostium is included in the bladder diverticulum, it is called Hutch diverticulum, which is a rare entity, typically in young ages, with few cases identified in the adult. We hereby present a case of a patient with acquired hutch diverticulum leading to non-functioning kidney due to vesico-ureteric reflux.

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