
Diabetic Striatopathy (DS) is a rare complication of a poor-controlled Diabetes Mellitus consisting of sudden onset of movement disorders. To date, there is still poor knowledge about the pathogenesis. We describe a 79 year old men affected by sudden onset hemichoreic movements whose cause was a non-ketotic hyperglycaemia diagnosed despite the normal blood glucose levels thanks to brain CT and magnetic resonance imaging. Then, we introduce a new magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) finding never described until today which allowed us to produce a new pathogenetic theory of a phenomenon still without definitive explanations. We performed a review of DS cases using the Medline database and we extracted main data regarding imaging findings. Thanks to our MRS we show new imaging findings never described until today, with a new pathogenetic explanation, since all the causative hypotheses produced during the past years have never found evidence.

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