
A Four months old American Hampshire boar weighing about 35kg from a back-yard piggery in Sabon Gari Local Government Area, Kaduna State was presented with the chief complains of restlessness, shivering and pasty perineum. There was no medical history. Physical examination revealed, pale ocular mucus membrane, restlessness, shivering and pasty perineum. The vital parameters were above normal ranges. Faecal sample from the rectum was taken to the helminthology laboratory of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, for helminth egg detection and identification. Based on the tentative diagnosis of Ascariasis and enteritis, 35mg of a 17% piperazine adipate solution and 700mg of a 20% oxytetracyline long acting were administered orally and deep intramuscularly, respectively as single doses. The boar died 2 hours after therapy. Post-mortem examination revealed; distended ingesta-filled stomach, ulceration of the stomach mucosal wall with tarry (blackish) haemorrhages, Ascaris suum in the stomach and small intestine, intussusception of the small intestine and empty distal portion of the intussuscepted small intest ne. The helminthology laboratory result indicated eggs of Ascaris suum. Based on the helminthology laboratory result and the post mortem examination findings, it was concluded that the b ar died of gastric ulcer and small intestine intussusception due to Ascariasis. Routine deworming and deworming record keeping in order to know when the next deworming is due were advocated to the farmer.

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