
We encountered a rare case of gastric adenocarcinoma considered to arise from a sporadic fundic gland polyp (FGP). A woman in her 70s, who had been prescribed a proton pump inhibitor for 5years, was referred to our institution for further investigation and treatment of a gastric lesion. White light endoscopy showed numerous isochromatic FGPs in the greater curvature of the gastric body and a 15-mm reddish polypoid lesion with uneven surface characteristics. Magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging revealed an irregular granular microsurface structure with irregular microvessels, which is suggestive of cancer. The absence of atrophic changes in the entire gastric mucosa was confirmed endoscopically and histologically, and multiple Helicobacter pylori (HP) tests were negative. An en bloc resection was performed by polypectomy. The specimen showed adenocarcinoma that was thought to arise from an FGP. The lesion consisted of cystically dilated fundic glands in the basal part and neoplastic cells with nuclear atypia and high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio in the foveolar part; on the basis of these findings, noninvasive adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. Although both adenocarcinoma in an HP-uninfected stomach and epithelial high-grade dysplasia in a sporadic FGP are extremely rare, this possibility should be considered when performing esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

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