
Diabetic mastopathy is a rare fibroinflammatory disorder seen among middle aged and premenopausal age group. It is also called lymphocytic mastopathy or sclerosing lymphocytic mastitis. This is seen associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus and other autoimmune disorders specially related to endocrine disorders like thyroid. The definite diagnosis of diabetic mastopathy is truly based on biopsy and histopathological examination.A 33 year old female came to hospital with complaints of swelling in right breast since one month and pain since one week. She was a known case of type 1 diabetes mellitus since 10 years and on regular medications. Radiological Impression was possibilities of mastitis with abscess formation more likely to be considered. But infiltrating malignant neoplasm with areas of necrosis is also a differential diagnosis. Our histopathology laboratory, we received incision biopsy from right breast and microscopic examination from multiple tissue sections showed breast parenchyma with extensive fibrosis and periductal inflammatory infiltrate predominantly lymphocytes, plasma cells and a few neutrophils. Some of the ducts show epithelial proliferation forming bridges and micropapillae. Histopathological diagnosis was Lymphocytic Mastitis with features of Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia.: The diagnosis of Diabetic Mastopathy is based on clinical details, radiological evaluation and biopsy correlation. Sometimes it’s difficult to differentiate from carcinoma breast, so histopathological examination is indicated for a definitive diagnosis and management.

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