
<h3>Clinical History.</h3> —Reported by Dr. F. E. Bowman. The patient, Mrs. E. W., aged 60, appears well nourished and robust. Her trouble, which began about the age of 40, was diagnosed as peritonitis and in about five months terminated in an abdominal abscess in the region of McBurney's point, which was lanced. It remained open for about three weeks. After this the right thigh was flexed on the abdomen for about eighteen months. For about eight years thereafter the patient's health was good. Then she fell from a hammock and injured her right hip. One week later an abscess appeared at the site of injury. Almost immediately after the fall, pain was experienced again at McBurney's point. The patient connected this pain with the abscess opening on the hip. In about three weeks she was about her housework in fair

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