
Adipsic hypernatremia cause chronic hyperosmolality and hypernatremia through a combination of impaired thirst and osmotically stimulated antidiuretic hormone secretion. This syndrome can be grouped together as disorders of osmoreceptor dysfunc tion due to the various degrees of osmoreceptor destruction related with different types of intracranial lesions around the anterior hypothalamus, consistent with the location of primary osmoreceptor cells. Adipsic hypernatremia, associated with developmental disorder of corpus callosum, is very rare. Most cases are diagnosed at infancy and early childhood; the replacement of desmopressin is necessary. Herein, we report adipsic hypernatremia associated with anomalous corpus callosum in adult with mental retardation; they were treated with only free water without desmopressin. (Endocrinol Metab 27:232-236, 2012)

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