
The career in cardiology course is a one day symposium run by the British Cardiovascular Society. In 2011 it was held on 18 February at the Hilton Hotel in Coventry and was timed to precede the national specialty trainee 3 (ST3) recruitment process. The symposium covers the application process for higher specialty training in cardiology and offers an insight into the subspecialties of cardiology. It is an opportunity to obtain advice and opinions on cardiology ST3 recruitment from people who are highly experienced in the field and involved in the recruitment process. The symposium was developed by Aung Myat (clinical research fellow for the National Institute for Health Research and specialist registrar in cardiology at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust), Simon Redwood (professor of interventional cardiology at Guy’s and St Thomas’), and Tony Gershlick (professor of interventional cardiology at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust). The faculty included prominent cardiologists from …

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