
AbstractThe Honourable Edward F. Ormston of the Ontario Court of Justice was asked to be the Honorary President of the Canadian Psychological Association for 2012-2013. He has long been concerned about people with health difficulties who come into contact with the legal system and as a result of his concern and compassion was instrumental in establishing the first Mental Health Court in Canada in Toronto. Justice Ormston provides a strong voice for psychological prevention and intervention services in Canada. At the 2013 CPA Convention in Quebec City, Justice Ormston gave a key note speech concerning the need to psychology to be more active in Canada's health system. His speech is recreated in this article.Keywords: access to services, justice, advocacyResumeOn a demande au juge Edward F. Ormston, de la Cour de justice de l'Ontario, d'agir a titre de president honoraire de la Societe canadienne de psychologie en 2012-2013. Depuis longtemps, ce dernier etait preoccupe par la situation des gens ayant des problemes psychologiques qui devaient traiter avec le systeme juridique. D'ailleurs, son souci et sa compassion ont ete determinants dans l'etablissement, a Toronto, du tout premier tribunal de la sante mentale au Canada. Le juge Ormston est un vigoureux defenseur des services psychologiques de prevention et d'intervention au Canada. Au Congres annuel 2013 de la SCP, a Quebec, le juge Ormston a prononce un discours liminaire sur la necessite de faire une plus grande place a la psychologie au sein du systeme de sante du pays.Mots-cles : acces aux services, justice, supervision, defense des interets.The sands are shifting in the health world, particularly in its organisation.In the current medical model the physician is in charge. The foundation of treatment is the diagnosis. Then follows the choice of medication by the doctor; then compliance with taking the medication is monitored; then entry into programs and perhaps housing is addressed as long as the patient is compliant with the medications. The goal is symptom relief, which tragically often results in a sick lonely person, spending his or her day on a coach in a comatose, drug-induced state watching the Days of our Life on TV. (I exaggerate for effect).Many things have come together to challenge this method of treatment.The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Disabled signed by Canada, promises least restrictive, least intrusive treat- ment, patient involvement, patient choice, support systems to stay at home, housing, and stigma reduction. These are some of the topics that Canada as a nation will be judged upon by the United Nations. The Mental Health Commission of Canada adopted the Recovery Oriented Model. The Mental Health Strategies of most provinces do as well.The Mental Health Commission StrategyThe foundation of the Recovery Model is that Mental Health is different from the absence of illness, and is integral to our overall health. Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own potential and can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community (The Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2012, p. 11).There are many kinds of health and illnesses. They range from anxiety and depression to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The Mental Health Commission Strategy does not attempt to define the difference between problems and ill- nesses, or to resolve all the controversies surrounding the choice of terminology. Rather, the term mental health and illnesses has been intentionally chosen to be respectful of a wide range of views. It refers to the full range of patterns of behaviour, thinking, or emotions that bring some level of distress, suffering, or impairment in areas such as school, work, social, and family interactions or the ability to live independently. …

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