
Frank H. Watt (1889-1981) was a well-known and well-respected avocational archaeologist that lived in the Waco, Texas, area and studied the archaeology of the central Brazos River valley. He made forays into other parts of the state, however, including the Caddo archaeological area of East Texas. At an unknown date, probably in the 1950s or 1960s, Watt investigated an ancestral Caddo site on the Dennis Farm six miles northwest of the community of Neches, in the upper Neches River basin (probably in the Walnut Creek valley), in Anderson County. He collected 42 sherds from Caddo ceramic vessels from the site, and these collections are in the holdings of the Mayborn Museum Complex at Baylor University.


  • )UDQN+:DWW ZDVDZHOONQRZQDQGZHOOUHVSHFWHGDYRFDWLRQDODUFKDHRORJLVWWKDW lived in the Waco, Texas, area and studied the archaeology of the central Brazos River valley (Lawrence and Redder 1985; Redder 1985; Stephenson 1985; Bischof 2011)

  • The assemblage is comparable to the ceramic vessel sherds from other ancestral Caddo sites in the upper Neches River basin with respect to the dominant use of grog temper in vessel manufacture, and LQWHUPVRIWKHKLJKSURSRUWLRQRIXWLOLW\ZDUHVKHUGVZLWKEUXVKLQJPDUNV7KHFHUDPLFW\SHVLGHQWLÀHG IURPWKH'HQQLV)DUPVLWH3/D5XH1HFN%DQGHG%XOODUG%UXVKHG0D\GHOOH,QFLVHGDQG3R\QRU (QJUDYHG3DUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKD/DWH&DGGR)UDQNVWRQSKDVHRFFXSDWLRQLQWKHXSSHU1HFKHV5LYHU basin in East Texas, and the high proportion of brushed sherds among all the decorated sherds (75.8 percent) in the assemblage further suggests that the occupation took place during the late Frankston SKDVHIURPFD$' 3HUWWXODDQG:DOWHUV7DEOH

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)UDQN+:DWW ZDVDZHOONQRZQDQGZHOOUHVSHFWHGDYRFDWLRQDODUFKDHRORJLVWWKDW lived in the Waco, Texas, area and studied the archaeology of the central Brazos River valley (Lawrence and Redder 1985; Redder 1985; Stephenson 1985; Bischof 2011). Probably in the 1950s or 1960s, Watt investigated an ancestral Caddo site on the Dennis Farm six miles northwest of the community of Neches, in the upper Neches River basin (probably in the Walnut Creek valley), in Anderson County He collected 42 sherds from Caddo ceramic vessels from the site, and these collections are in the holdings of the Mayborn Museum Complex at Baylor University

Sherd Sample
Fine ware
Summary and Conclusions
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Paper version not known

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