
In this paper, we present a cache management policy to efficiently store the videos in a proxy server. The objective of cache management policy is to maximize the quality of service (QoS) to interested clients by improving the hit rate of popular videos. Our cache management policy is based on capturing the changing preference of the videos according to recentness, frequency, and playback length of the requested videos. For this purpose, we define a parameter, access time, which represents the total playback time of video within a predefined interval. We also utilize the time popularity (TP) that denotes the number of client access to the each video within a predefined interval. Using the access time and TP, we can estimate a maximum available space of a video which means the maximum size of storage space to be allocated to the video. Our simulation results show that the bit rate of the proposed method is greater than the previous works. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than other algorithm such as LRU, LFU, and TP methods in terms of packet bit rate in random access pattern and Zipf distribution access pattern.

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