
1. Introduction: A Buddhist crossroads: pioneer European Buddhists and globalizing Asian networks 1860-1960 Alicia Turner, Laurence Cox and Brian Bocking 2. Flagging up Buddhism: Charles Pfoundes (Omoie Tetzunostzuke) among the international congresses and expositions, 1893-1905 Brian Bocking 3. Buddhist councils in a time of transition: globalism, modernity and the preservation of textual traditions Tilman Frasch 4. Three boys on a great vehicle: 'Mahayana Buddhism' and a trans-national network Shin'ichi Yoshinaga 5. The Bible, the bottle and the knife: religion as a mode of resisting colonialism for U Dhammaloka Alicia Turner 6. Ananda Metteyya: controversial networker, passionate critic Elizabeth J. Harris 7. Tai-Burmese-Lao Buddhisms in the 'modernizing' of Ban Thawai (Bangkok): the dynamic interaction between ethnic minority religion and British - Siamese centralization in the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries Phibul Choompolpaisal 8. Rethinking early western Buddhists: beachcombers, 'going native' and dissident Orientalism Laurence Cox 9. 'Like embers hidden in ashes, or jewels encrusted in stone': Rahul Sankrtyayan, Dharmanand Kosambi and Buddhist activity in colonial India Douglas Ober 10. Elective affinities: the reconstruction of a forgotten episode in the shared history of Thai and British Buddhism - Kapilavaddho and Wat Paknam Andrew Skilton 11. Brooklyn Bhikkhu: how Salvatore Cioffi became the Venerable Lokanatha Philip Deslippe

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