
Strong inhibition of the human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzymes (UGTs) may lead to undesirable effects, including hyperbilirubinaemia and drug/herb-drug interactions. Currently, there is no good way to examine the inhibitory effects and specificities of compounds toward all the important human UGTs, side-by-side and under identical conditions. Herein, we report a new, broad-spectrum substrate for human UGTs and its uses in screening and characterizing of UGT inhibitors. Following screening a variety of phenolic compound(s), we have found that methylophiopogonanone A (MOA) can be readily O-glucuronidated by all tested human UGTs, including the typical N-glucuronidating enzymes UGT1A4 and UGT2B10. MOA-O-glucuronidation yielded a single mono-O-glucuronide that was biosynthesized and purified for structural characterization and for constructing an LC-UV based MOA-O-glucuronidation activity assay, which was then used for investigating MOA-O-glucuronidation kinetics in recombinant human UGTs. The derived Km values were crucial for selecting the most suitable assay conditions for assessing inhibitory potentials and specificity of test compound(s). Furthermore, the inhibitory effects and specificities of four known UGT inhibitors were reinvestigated by using MOA as the substrate for all tested UGTs. Collectively, MOA is a broad-spectrum substrate for the human UGTs, which offers a new and practical tool for assessing inhibitory effects and specificities of UGT inhibitors.

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