
This study investigates the connection between feminism with social networking and assesses social media's potential to serve as an important forum for the promotion of modern feminism goals. Feminism's influence declined in the ages until social networking became an important aspect of society and female viewpoints were sceptical that it might be resurrected or popularised again. In current history, though, people have utilised social networks to collaborate and distribute progressive concepts. The emergence of "hashtag feminism" has resulted in a radical change in the way femininity is practised and argued for in popular society. Educational women are posing a number of important concerns in view of this drastic change in location for female discussions: Is social platforms beneficial to empowerment and the pursuit of egalitarian goals? This article contends that social network has given feminists a voice to tell their experiences, and has helped in the formation of feminist communities. That's also modern feminism most critical work since it makes us more open to progressive values and concepts, changing our world into one that will embrace and battle for feminism's goals. This paper would look at a number of case reports wherein feminist debates have taken social media by storm. It would assess the effect of social networking as a forum for progressive arguments and the usage of social platforms as a feminism medium in the struggle to accomplish feminism's goals.

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