
A computer network, sometimes known as a data network, is a kind of telecommunications network that enables computers to communicate with one another. Data is passed between networked computing devices through data links in computer networks. Cable or wireless media are used to establish connections (network links) between nodes. The Internet is the most well-known computer network. Network nodes are computer devices that originate, transport, and terminate data on a network. Hosts such as personal computers, phones, servers, and networking gear are examples of nodes. When one device can share information with another device, whether or not they have a direct connection, they are said to be networked together. Access to the World Wide Web, shared usage of application and storage servers, printers, and fax machines, and the use of email and instant messaging apps are all supported via computer networks. The physical medium used to carry signals, the communications protocols used to arrange network traffic, the network's scale, topology, and organizational intent all vary across computer networks.

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