
A finite-element simulation of binary alloy solidification based on a single-domain formulation is presented and tested. Resolution of phase change is first checked by comparison with the analytical results of Worster [M.G. Worster, Solidification of an alloy from a cooled boundary, J. Fluid Mech. 167 (1986) 481–501] for purely diffusive solidification. Fluid dynamical processes without phase change are then tested by comparison with previous numerical studies of thermal convection in a pure fluid [G. de Vahl Davis, Natural convection of air in a square cavity: a bench mark numerical solution, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 3 (1983) 249–264; D.A. Mayne, A.S. Usmani, M. Crapper, h-adaptive finite element solution of high Rayleigh number thermally driven cavity problem, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow 10 (2000) 598–615; D.C. Wan, B.S.V. Patnaik, G.W. Wei, A new benchmark quality solution for the buoyancy driven cavity by discrete singular convolution, Numer. Heat Transf. 40 (2001) 199–228], in a porous medium with a constant porosity [G. Lauriat, V. Prasad, Non-darcian effects on natural convection in a vertical porous enclosure, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 32 (1989) 2135–2148; P. Nithiarasu, K.N. Seetharamu, T. Sundararajan, Natural convective heat transfer in an enclosure filled with fluid saturated variable porosity medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 40 (1997) 3955–3967] and in a mixed liquid–porous medium with a spatially variable porosity [P. Nithiarasu, K.N. Seetharamu, T. Sundararajan, Natural convective heat transfer in an enclosure filled with fluid saturated variable porosity medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 40 (1997) 3955–3967; N. Zabaras, D. Samanta, A stabilized volume-averaging finite element method for flow in porous media and binary alloy solidification processes, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 60 (2004) 1103–1138]. Finally, new benchmark solutions for simultaneous flow through both fluid and porous domains and for convective solidification processes are presented, based on the similarity solutions in corner-flow geometries recently obtained by Le Bars and Worster [M. Le Bars, M.G. Worster, Interfacial conditions between a pure fluid and a porous medium: implications for binary alloy solidification, J. Fluid Mech. (in press)]. Good agreement is found for all tests, hence validating our physical and numerical methods. More generally, the computations presented here could now be considered as standard and reliable analytical benchmarks for numerical simulations, specifically and independently testing the different processes underlying binary alloy solidification.

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