
Artificial intelligence has transformed the health care system with its vast application in various fields of medicine. AI has many subfields, of which machine learning has the major contribution in improving the delivery of health care to the population. Medical AI has taken center stage in modern research. Medical AI applications range from the detection of various cancerous tumors to the prediction of arrhythmia attacks. The augmentation of such AI embedded techniques into the medical profession has streamlined analysis as well as aided professionals in reaching a more efficient and accurate diagnosis. This has also translated in the field of dentistry where strong deep learning architectures such as Convolutional neural networks in the form of Resnet, Inception, GoogleNet etc have been used to process raw images and detect a range of dental diseases. This chapter aims to provide an overview of progress made in the field of Machine Learning, with a particular emphasis on its medical and dental applications. Different aspects of Machine Learning are discussed in terms of their strengths, weaknesses, and how artificial intelligence has been used to solve problems in the medical field.  A descriptive overview about state-of-the-art machine learning-based applications used in various dental subfields is discussed, along with current challenges the industry faces today.

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