
It is suggested that in the face of malevolence, such as that faced by Job, God’s omnipotence and also His benevolence can be upheld. This article thus explores the notions of human suffering, theodicy and theocracy and how they are understood in the book of Job from an Old Testament perspective. The exegesis of the Book of Job has vexed people for epochs and it grasps the depths of human despair, the anger of moral outrage, and the anguish of a felt desertion by God on the part of the protagonist. From one man’s agony it reaches out to the mystery of God, beyond all words and explanations. The Scriptures including the book of Job has several distinct ways of reconciling human suffering with the justice of God. In the end, it is only God as King and Ruler, Himself who brings justice, victory and joy to the life of the suffering man. And when all is said and done, the mystery remains that God stands as King and Ruler revealed in His hiddenness, an object of terror, adoration and love. Job’s story shows us the eternal rebels that human beings are, who become bewildered by apparent injustice in things in life and who claim they can be better ordered. We cannot have a prejudiced view of life and be concerned only with what befalls us and then question God based on our intrinsic limited understanding. God is paradoxical in His ways and this is indeed a part of the mystery of human existence. We win when we gain true knowledge of God and understand our place in the scheme of His creation. All pain and suffering are a mystery of divine wisdom and a truly wise person would comprehend that “the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil, that is understanding” (Job 28:28). We should not expect to understand all the whys and wherefores behind what an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God does or allows. The definitive answer to the problem of human suffering is that we simply need to trust that God has His motives.

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