
Music education and music form the basis of a basic course in whichevery branch on Basic Music Theorycourse, is one of the most important areas of musice ducation. Basic Music Theory course of theoretical and practical sections of music education constitutes an important place in the development of each musician. This course is literally ingrain edenthusiasm for music of all individual sapplying for learning music is one of the most important resources. Music Theory lessons written in Turkish or translation made about the educational valuere mains today a variety of sources. However, this book does not include a common language, literally. Caused conflicts of concept sand terms to be the case, the issue sarefully understanding delay. Declaration of basic music theory in our country starting from text boks related tothes edeficiencies detecte dandregulations necessary in advancing the process of making concrete analysis of what could happen is open to debate. Keywords: Music, Music Education, Basic Music Theory. Special Issue of Educational Sciences DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/6-06-13

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