
In today's technological environment, it can be said that artificial intelligence (AI) has entered almost every aspect of our lives. It is possible to feel the presence of artificial intelligence from health services to finance, from entertainment to education. One of the most controversial and interesting areas of artificial intelligence is the world of literature. So, how can a machine devoid of emotions and personal experiences navigate the complex and emotionally charged world of storytelling? In this article, the fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and one of the literary genres, the story, is analysed. It analyses how artificial intelligence perceives the story and what it can bring to this respected literary form. The study examined the data obtained with ChatGPT and Google Bard using the document review method. The data obtained was analyzed with content analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that artificial intelligence has both positive and negative aspects in producing stories. Among the positive aspects, it can be said that he writes an account with a holistic perspective. In addition, it was seen that he produced stories regarding current current events. Its negative aspects are that it lacks human emotions and creativity and creates predictable fiction on standard subjects. As a result, artificial intelligence can produce stories, but considering its shortcomings, it can help writers as a writing aid. However, it can also be said that the development of artificial intelligence algorithms, has the capacity to create more successful stories in the future.

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