
Background and context: Brazil is a huge and developing country that has an universal public system of health. This system takes care of approximately 75% of our population (150 millions). Cancer is a major problem in Brazil and have high mortality rates mainly because of late diagnosis and lack of information. Besides the mortality impact, it brings high costs to the health system (public and private) and have poor survival rates and lost of productive work people. Aim: To assess an technology system able the identify high risk patients, patients that have normal risk but have they screening exams delayed and propose an individual strategy to reduce the risk an give important information about primary and secondary prevention for the 5 principal solid tumors: breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer and colon cancer. Strategy/Tactics: We developed a Web based platform that can estimate the risk of developing cancer in general population based on questions and risk factor established by medical societies and science and stratifies into 3 groups: high risk (lifetime risk greater then 20%) moderated risk (normal risk but delayed screening exams) and normal risk. Based on the risk or delayed exams, the system generates a personalized strategy to reduce the risk or to ensure the necessary exams are completed. Besides this we give general information about the importance of prevention and habits that can reduce the risk of cancer. Program/Policy process: The system is based on the Web site http://www.previneo.com.br and was initially made available to all population. As the access rate got too high we had to restrict the access. Since then it has been provided as a service to interested companies to give Previneo the necessary financial sustainability. We have a giant acceptance by big corporations which are concerned in controlling the risk of their employees, saving lives and reducing the cost of the health insurance. Outcomes: We have found that approximately 40% of the population that need to do screening exams (by age and gender) do not make. Besides this we found 5%-12% of population in high risk of developing one or more of the solid tumors we assess (in concordance with international literature). All participants have approved the system and were empowered with important information about their health and certainly will have a better take care of their own life. What was learned: We have learned that with a Web based technology system we can achieve a big part of our population and provide quality information and effectively reduce the mortality and cost of a disease that will be the global leader of mortality in our world.

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