
A 'bottom-up' PK/PD analysis approach employing system analysis principles of convolution/deconvolution and special nonparametric estimation procedures is presented to resolve the complex 'endo-PK/PD' of the endogenous form of recombinant drugs using erythropoietin (EPO) as an example. A novel cellular deconvolution algorithm is presented that facilitates the identification of the functional relationship between the variables involved in EPO's complex PK/PD. Five sheep each underwent two phlebotomies spaced 4-6 weeks apart when their hemoglobin levels were reduced from 12 g/dl to 3-4 g/dl. EPO levels and reticulocyte counts were frequently sampled. The data were analysed using end-constrained cubic splines. The rate of reticulocyte production was determined using the novel deconvolution methodology. The erythroid progenitor cells activation rate by EPO was estimated from the reticulocyte production rate using a lag-time parameter which determines the delay in the reticulocyte appearance in the blood relative to the activation of erythroid progenitors. Hysteresis minimization combined with cellular deconvolution was employed to determine the population PK/PD transduction function relating the progenitor activation rate to EPO concentrations in a nonparametric manner without assuming a specific structure. The proposed approach provides a rational informative starting point for developing parametric PK/PD models to resolve the complex endo-PK/PD of recombinant drugs.

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