
With the significantly growing Internet of Things (IoT), there has recently been much focus on the remote tracking of health information to achieve smart healthcare. Nonetheless, because of the low processing power and storage space of IoT devices, user medical information is usually saved with a centralized third party, like a clinical repository or cloud. It makes users lose control of their medical information and results in security disclosure and a single point of failure. An advanced solution is necessary to improve data usage while restricting it in terms of security. Blockchain is a relatively advanced technology that stores data in a distributed manner and enhances security. This chapter proposes an integrated distributed application, a data protection system focused on an IoT framework and blockchain technology, where healthcare data are encrypted to monitor access control. The proposed application’s objective is to provide a permanent database for the management of healthcare data. The smart contract defines the basic operations of the application. Also, the implementation of the proposed application ensures that both IoT data and physician evaluations can never be removed or manipulated to prevent health conflicts. Implementation outcomes and results indicate that the proposed application applies to intelligent medical systems.

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