
AbstractRecommender system for the IoT (RSIoT) has attracted considerable attention. By leveraging emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and blockchain, RSIoT improves various indicators of residents' life. However, data integrity threats may affect the accuracy and consistency of the data particularly in the IoT environment where most devices are inherently dynamic and have limited resources that could fail in ensuring the quality of data transmission. Prior work has focused on processing big data and ensuring their integrity by considering cloud storage service as the popular way. In this article, we address integrity of data leveraging blockchain capabilities to ensure the integrity of the critical data. We adapted the Ethereum blockchain to our RCS for ensuring integrity of data during sharing them between doctor and patient without handling their data by third party. We build four smart contracts that enable our system of gaining more advantage of blockchain. We evaluated the performance of our smart contracts in Kovan and Rinkeby test networks. The preliminary results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solution.

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