
A blockchain is a data structure that is implemented as a distrusted database or digital ledger. The transactions are saved to a block of transactions that is attached in turn to the blockchain after the verification process, in which each block in the chain contains a hash signature of the previous block in addition to the hash signature of the block itself. The blocks on the blockchain are chained as an immutable list using the proof-of-work procedure, where there is no way to alter or delete an attached block due to the strict security policy used for structuring the chain of blocks. Each node holds a copy of the blockchain in which the miners take the responsibility of verifying and attaching blocks to the blockchain. The Ethereum blockchain introduced the smart contract which holds logic to be processed once the contract is established. These smart contracts are developed via the Solidity programming language. This proposed paper exploits the Ethereum blockchain along with smart contracts as the base technology for implementing the proposed blockchain-based model. The paper aims to develop a multilayered blockchain-based model, in which the blockchain model is set up on a private blockchain Ethereum network where the nodes share the electronic medical records (EMR) among the P2P (peer-to-peer) network that will be used to secure the IoT medical transactions. Solidity smart contract, introduced by Ethereum, is deployed to handle the EMR “open-query-transfer” operations on the private network, whereas the miners are responsible to validate the transactions. Finally, the research conducts a performance analysis of the Ethereum network using the Ethereum Caliper, considering several performance factors, which are: Maximum Latency, Minimum Latency, Average Latency, and Throughput.

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