
The certificates of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC), the Higher Secondary Leaving Certificate (HSLC), and academic certificates are all digitized at the academic institution and made available to the students in today’s digital environment. The rise in the number of security breaches creates a threat to the users’ right to privacy regarding their academic digital certificates. Validation and verification of the digital certificates is very challenging for the institution and the business. The system can able to give a digital certificate validation that is both safer and more efficient thanks to the use of blockchain technology. The purpose of this proposed system is to provide a suggestion for a certificate administration and verification system that, by using blockchain technology, has the ability to provide a viable answer for the problem of academic credential issuance and verification. Hash, public-private key cryptography, mining peer-to-peer networks, and proof of work are only few of the capabilities that are included in blockchain technology.

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