
Abstract IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, provides the forum for the oil and gas sector to share knowledge and build capacity on challenging topics such as the management of issues relating to biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) within the oil and gas industry. In the effort described here, the joint IPIECA-OGP Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Working Group (BESWG) outlines a framework including six areas of practice that are foundational for the effective integration of BES considerations into oil and gas business processes and operations in any environment. The development and application of this BES management framework by member representatives on the BESWG aligns with IPIECA and OGP's commitment to share knowledge and promote good practices that will help the oil and gas sector continually improve its environmental and social performance. This BES management framework provides a systematic approach enabling progression in the development of BES management practices within oil and gas companies. The BES management framework identifies and elaborates on six oil and gas company practices that contribute to the integration of BES Management in their activities: Build BES into their governance and business processes Engage stakeholders and understand their expectations around BES Understand BES baseline Assess BES dependencies and potential impacts Mitigate and manage BES impacts and identify BES opportunities Select, measure and report BES indicators For each area of management practice, the framework provides guidance on the management approach, content, scale and timing of activity, and types of resources employed. An ultimate outcome for this framework will be to connect specific areas of management practice to existing tools and resources provided by IPIECA and OGP to assist companies in development, integration and continual improvement of BES management into their processes. The BES management framework will also be used to inform the IPIECA-OGP BESWG's strategic direction and future work products so that gaps in knowledge can be effectively addressed.

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