
This study explores the discussion around Halal tourism and sustainability using bibliometric approaches. It focuses on authors, important institutions, document formats, patterns of worldwide involvement, and multidisciplinary research regions. Examining the cited literature, the research finds important data influencing this field's future. Rigid bibliometric analyses gather a heterogeneous set of academic papers and use quantitative techniques to classify texts, evaluate worldwide involvement, and identify patterns of citation. The results, which acknowledge the limitations of the dataset, show a vibrant academic environment where research publications are the main source of scholarly output and demonstrate scholars' commitment to thorough examination. English-language publications from many nations that demonstrate an interdisciplinary approach spanning the fields of business, management, environmental science and social sciences demonstrate the worldwide significance of this work. This study emphasizes how closely related economic, cultural, and environmental factors are. Academic articles that receive many citations act as cornerstones that direct subsequent study. In conclusion, this bibliometric analysis offers crucial insights into the field of halal tourism and sustainability research, with the goals of advancing knowledge, encouraging moral behavior, and stressing the importance of diversified viewpoints for scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers.

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