
<p>新冠肺炎全球爆發迄今造成人類全體生活重大改變,疫情造成生命流失、親人朋友間生離死別、個人不確定感升高、工作生涯被迫轉換及中斷等,直接和間接的帶給社會大眾更高的心理壓力,甚至在災難後留下心理創傷。然而學術界或實務工作者,對此新型態災難的了解仍屬不足,故本研究期以文獻計量(bibliometric)方法將全球最新與疫情有關的心理研究做系統化的分析,透過對相關主題及國際學者研究合作趨勢的了解,使我國心理諮商工作者能與國際接軌。本研究以收錄於Scopus學術資料庫的期刊文獻為範圍,回顧2019疫情爆發後18個月內,心理領域聚焦在創傷諮商文章1,300篇為分析對象,重要研究發現有以下三點:首先,文獻發表期刊最大宗來自新興開放取用(open access)期刊「心理前線」(Frontiers in Psychology),共217篇。第二,研究趨勢呈現東西分流的現象。以中國及以美國為主的學者各自發表,形成兩大集團。第三,在研究主題關鍵字分析結果顯示可分為四大主軸,分別是「在疫情中廣泛被討論的各種心理健康議題」、「不同族群在疫情衝擊中的影響及研究」、「疫情中的因應調適及復原力」及「併發症及疫情中的親子關係」。</p> <p> </p><p>The global outbreak of Covid-19 has caused significant changes in people’s lives, resulting in deaths, loss of family and friends, increased personal insecurity, and forced career changes or interruptions. These changes affect people in different ways, directly and indirectly, and can even cause traumatic stress in the aftermath of an epidemiological disaster. However, researchers and practitioners have a limited understanding of these new forms of traumatic events. Therefore, this study used a bibliometric approach to systematically analyze the latest global research related to trauma psychology during the time period of Covid-19, and through an understanding of the relevant topics and trends in scientific research. Researchers and practitioners in related fields in Taiwan can keep up with the international community. In this study, 1,300 articles in trauma psychology published during the 18 months following the outbreak of the 2019 epidemic were analyzed based on the Scopus academic database. The results showed that Frontiers in Psychology had the highest number of publications, with 217 articles. Second, Eastern and Western countries differ in terms of authorship. Chinese- and US-based scholars published separately, forming two major groups of publications. Third, the keyword analysis revealed four main axes: various mental health issues widely discussed during the epidemic", "the impact and study of different ethnic groups during the epidemic", "adaptation and resilience during the epidemic", and "complications and parent-child relationship during the epidemic".</p> <p> </p>

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