
Bibliometric article analysis is considered to be important in tourism as a outcome of external research quality evaluation, the demonstration of prestige and influence rate, and also study for further development. A bibliometric article review may be applied to different type of publication, yet the main focus is on journals. Working on the mixed judicious use of literature review and bibliometric and content analysis, we examined a sample of 1268 studies by their year, country, affiliation and their source from the Scopus database on the subject of ‘tourism discourse’ between 2012 and 2021 which aims to define the dominating trends and find out the prevailing and prestigious articles in the given period of time. During the research, multiple methods of literature review and bibliometric analysis are applied including keyword analysis, descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. We identify the most influential authors and articles based on their publications and citations. Additionally, we also present potential directions for further research.

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