
A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JACQUES MARITAIN: 1910-1942 Compiled by RuTH BYRNs T HE first section of this bibliography lists the writings in French and English of Jacques Maritain from 1910 to November, 1942. The arrangement is by years. Directly after each annual heading books and parts of books by M. Maritain are listed in alphabetical order according to titles. Articles, also listed in alphabetical order according to titles, follow the listings of books and parts of books. Prefaces by M. Maritain to the books of other authors are then Hsted according to the authors' names. Translations from French to English are noted but the bibliography does not include translations of M. Maritain's works in the many other languages into which his writings have been rendered. A small number of his works which originally appeared in Spanish are included in the bibliography. The second part of the bibliography lists articles and other works about M. Maritain for the same period. The arrangement of this part of the bibliography is alphabetical according to the names of the authors. This part of the bibliography also includes only (with a few exceptions) articles in French and English. Book reviews written by M. Maritain and reviews of his books by others are not included in either section of the bibliography . Likewise, newspaper reports of addresses by M. Maritain are not included in the bibliography nor are statements which he signed as a member of a committee or as one of a group of signers. Every reasonable effort was taken to make both sections of the bibliography complete and accurate. The items were checked with standard bibliographies and periodical indices as well as with the bibliography of Maritain printed in The Catholic Library World, May, 1942, and with a selected, unpublished 22 345 346 RUTH BYRNS bibliography of M. Maritain's writings prepared by Miss Lois Byrns of the University of Wisconsin. Nearly all of the books and nearly all of the articles listed were examined personally by the compiler. In some cases it was not possible, at this time, to secure a copy for examination. However, in spite of this effort, it is likely-because of the many difficulties in completing a bibliography such as this one-that there are omissions and errors in this Maritain bibliography . Readers who discover omissions or errors are requested to send a notation of the missing items or the mistakes to the compiler of the bibliography. PART I WRITINGS OF JACQUES MARITAIN 1910 TO NoVEMBER 1942 HHO 1. " LE NEO-VITALISME EN ALLEMAGNE ET LE DARWINISME." Revue de Philosophie. 6: pp. 417-441. 1910. 2. "LA SCIENCE MODERNE ET LA RAISON." Revue de Philosophie. 6: pp. 575-603. 1910. In Antimoderne, 19~~. See item ~~. pp. ~9-68. 1911 3. "L':EvoLUTIONNISME DE M. BERGSON". Revue de Philosophie. 19: p. 467 f. 1911. 1913 4. " L'ESPRIT DE LA PHILOSOPHIE MODERNE. I. LA REFORME cARTESIENNE." Revue de Philosophie. 24: pp. 601-625. 1913. La premiere des quatre conferences donnees sous ce titre en avrilmai , 1914, a l'Institut Catholique de Paris. 5. "L'INTUITION. Au SENS DE CONNAISSANCE INSTINCTIVE OU n'INCLINATION." Revue de Philosophie. 23: pp. 5-13. " Fragment d'une des le~;ons sur la philosophic de Bergson et la philosophic chretienne." 6. "LA PHILOSOPHIE DE M. BERGSON ET LA PHILOSOPHIE CHRE- A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JACQUES MARITAIN 347 TIENNE." Cours et conferences de Ia Revue de Philosophie a l'Institut Catholique de Paris, 1913. "... qui paraitront prochainement dans la Bibliotheque de Philosophie experimentale...." See item 7, below. 1914 7. LA PHILOSOPHIE BERGSONIENNE: ETUDES CRITIQUEs. Paris: Riviere, 1914. 2ieme edition, revue et augmentee, Paris: Bibliotheque de Philosophie , 1930. See item 74, below. 8. " L'ESPRIT DE LA PHILOSOPHIE MODERNE. II. L'INDEPENDANCE DE L'ESPRIT." Revue de Philosophie. 25: pp. 53-82. 1914. ". . . la seconde des quatre conferences donnees sous ce titre en avril-mai, 1914, a l'Institut Catholique de Paris." 9. "LALIBERTE INTELLECTUELLE." 1914. In Antimoderne, 1922. See item 22, below, pp. 71-109. 1918 10. "LA PHYSIQUE DE LA QUANTITE ET LA REVOLUTION CARTESIENNE." 1918. In Reflexions sur ['intelligence et sur sa vie propre, 1924. See item 36, below, pp. 174-201. 11. PREFACE to...

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