
January 11, 2013 (7:57 pm) C:\WPdata\TYPE3202\russell 32,2 062 red.wpd 1 For biographical background, see “Lady Constance Malleson, ‘Colette O’Niel’z” by John G. Slater, Russellz no. 20 (winter 1975–76): 4–15; and on her writing, see “The Wisdom of Colette” by Bennitt Gardiner, Russell nos. 37–40 (1980): 31–9. He cites her (own) Who’s Whoz entry, Finnish contributions to Helsingin Sanometz (Helsinki) and a translation of a Norwegian play (A.5 below). 2 I am editing their correspondence. A few of her letters are available at McMaster Library’s Peace and War in the 20th Century site, http://pw20c.mcmaster.ca/civilianscaught -war; accessed January 2013. 3 “Christine Harte”; see section B below. russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 32 (winter 2012–13): 175–90 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036-01631; online 1913-8032 ibliographies, rchival nventories, ndexes A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CONSTANCE MALLESON Sheila Turcon Russell Archives/Russell Research Centre / McMaster U. Hamilton, on, Canada l8s 4l6 turcon@mcmaster.ca F rom an early age Constance Malleson1 was an avid diarist, but yher Wrst love was always the theatre. Bertrand Russell did not think that the acting profession made full use of her talents and that the profession created suUcient social good. He suggested a career as a political activist. She rejected that and continued to act (for her roles see the appendix). As a recipient of her wellexpressed letters,2 he then encouraged her to write professionally. She took up this suggestion. Her Wrst short story (using a pseudonym3 ) was published in The English Review. Russell placed the article on her behalf. She wrote in almost every genre except poetry. Her letters to the editor usually concern the political situation in Finland, where she lived in 1940. The unpublished book manuscript of her annotated volumes of her letters to Russell (see D.3) were to be the culmination of her literary career. Malleson met Russell in World War i through the No-Conscription Fellowship . Their relationship continued for the rest of Russell’s life. Although there were breaks when they did not see one another for several years, they always reconnected. After her acting career ended in 1932, she made her living as a writer. Although the daughter of the Wfth Earl Annesley, she did not have a large inheritance to fall back on. She was divorced from actor Miles Malleson in 1923. January 11, 2013 (7:57 pm) C:\WPdata\TYPE3202\russell 32,2 062 red.wpd 176 sheila turcon 4 Her papers are not complete. Letters that she wrote to br that he returned to her were destroyed in a Wre in Sweden (letter to K. Blackwell, 12 Nov. 1968 [rec. acq. 1,233]). Also, books that she stored when she was abroad were badly damaged by mildew (letter to br, 1 Mar. 1943, 596.104579nr). A 1944 letter to the editor signed B. Johansson, cannot be located in her papers where it is listed (box 6.72, f.10). 5 The card index was expanded to form an online Wnding-aid available at McMaster (http://library.mcmaster.ca/archives/Wndaids/Wndaids/m/malleson.1.htm;accessedJanuary 2013). Fuller descriptions of some items can be viewed there. This bibliography is based on Malleson’s papers (rec. acq. 596)4 and those of her friend Carrie Webster (rec. acq. 1620), both in the Russell Archives. In the early 1980s Carl Spadoni prepared a descriptive card index of the Malleson papers; this bibliography draws on and expands it.5 Two digital archives were searched for more publications, the London Timesz and Sunday Times, and leads from her papers were followed up and copies taken. There are surely more discoveries to be made, including items in Swedish and Finnish newspapers, as listed in sections C and D. “Tscc.” indicates a carbon copy of a typescript. a.wbooks A.1wAutobiography After Ten Years. A Personal Record. London : Jonathan Cape, 1931. Pp. 320. The author’s name appears as Constance Malleson followed by her stage name, “Colette O’Niel”, in square brackets. Her own copy in ra is heavily revised with pasted-in photos, documents...

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