
Historically, 'the poor' are those who are in need materially and so the way to care for them is to give financial or material assistance. While there has been some progress in the recent century, poverty alleviation still remains a major issue in our world. From a Biblical perspective poverty is one of the consequences of sin, but it is understood in a broader way than merely physical poverty. God works to reverse the results of sin and restore all things, which includes all forms of poverty. In the Old Testament the poor are most often discussed in economic terms, however there are also references to those in spiritual need. The primary principle was that the Israelites were to care for the poor among them, which reflected God's care for them. However, they often fail and are rebuked for exploiting the poor. In the New Testament poverty is discussed even more clearly in an holistic way: there are the materially poor, the socially poor, but all people are spiritually poor. Hence the way to care for the poor must address these different types of poverty. Of paramount importance is to help people out of spiritual poverty, for that has eternal consequences. However, it is also clear that Christians who properly understand God's grace to them, will respond by caring for others holistically. Such care was seen in the early NT church from congregations who were transformed to serve, as taught and modelled by Jesus. The ongoing challenge for Christian churches today is to continue to care for all varieties of the poor, enabling and empowering them to help themselves as Jesus' instructed.


  • Poverty is very real in this world

  • Christian research and a formation of a Biblical theology of development regarding poverty has been lagging behind,[3] Christian workers have been helped immensely by the general research done in the last few decades

  • The solution is not found until the New Testament, when Jesus, God’s only Son, dies in the place of all humans to take the punishment they deserve for all their sin (1 Pet. 2:24)

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A Biblical Holistic Approach to Poverty

'orang miskin' adalah mereka yang mempunyai kebutuhan secara jasmani, dan cara menolong mereka adalah memberikan uang atau barang. Dalam Perjanjian Lama, kemiskinan paling sering dibahas dalam istilah ekonomi, namun ada juga referensi untuk mereka yang memiliki kebutuhan rohani. Prinsip utama adalah bahwa orang Israel harus menolong orang miskin di antara mereka, yang mencerminkan kepedulian Allah terhadap mereka. Dalam Perjanjian Baru, kemiskinan dibahas dengan lebih jelas secara holistik: ada yang miskin secara jasmani, miskin secara sosial, tetapi semua orang digambarkan sebagai miskin rohani. Yang terpenting adalah menolong orang keluar dari kemiskinan rohani, karena hal itu memiliki akibat kekal. Juga jelas bahwa orang-orang Kristen yang memahami dengan baik anugerah Allah kepada mereka, akan merespons secara holistik dan menolong orang dalam kemiskinan. _ A Biblical Holistic Approach to Poverty bentuk orang miskin, melengkapi dan memberdayakan mereka untuk menolong diri mereka sendiri, seperti yang diajarkan oleh Yesus

For example
Poverty in the Old Testament
Caring for the Poor in the Old Testament
Poverty in the New Testament
Caring for the Poor in the New Testament
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