
In this talk we describe the construction of a putative beyond-the-Standard-Model model where, as a viable alternative to the Higgs scenario, elementary particle masses emerge in a non-perturbative way as a consequence of a sort of “interference” between residual UV chiral breaking effects left behind in the Nambu–Goldstone phase of the theory at a critical value of the Yukawa coupling where chiral symmetry is recovered, and IR features triggered by the phenomenon of spontaneous breaking of (the recovered) chiral symmetry which standardly takes place in a strongly interacting theory. Elementary particle masses are all proportional to the RGI scale of the theory. Thus to get the top quark and the electro-weak boson masses at the desired value one must have ΛRGI≫ΛQCD. This in turn implies that there must exist a new superstrongly interacting sector of fermions (we call them Tera-fermions) gauge invariantly coupled to Standard Model matter with ΛRGI≡ΛT of the order of a few TeVs. We give the expression of the full Lagrangian of a model encompassing quarks, Tera-quarks and W, as well as leptons, Tera-leptons and B gauge bosons when besides strong, Tera-strong and weak interactions, also hypercharge is included. The interest of considering elementary particle physics models with this kind of non-perturbative mass generation mechanism is twofold. First of all, unlike the Standard Model in this scenario elementary particle masses are not free parameters but are determined by the dynamics of the theory. Secondly, some of the conceptual problems of today's formulation of the Standard Model, namely origin of the electroweak scale and naturalness, find a possible solution.

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