
reductions in power, the introduction of bias, and decreases in generalizability. In this presentation, we share our experiences and lessons learned during a 6-year NIH-funded randomized clinical trial of an exercise intervention in individuals with PAD and life-style limiting claudication. The challenges and obstacles we encountered during the complex process of recruiting, screening, and retaining eligible participants are described along with the methods and strategies that proved successful. The professional challenges and dilemmas frequently encountered by the nurse researcher will be briefly explicated as well as the unique ways in which nursing principles can enhance the research endeavor. The intention of this presentation is to advance the capacity of vascular nurses to continue to improve the lives of vascular patients through the conduct of successful clinical research initiatives. Recruitment and retention of eligible participants from this often complex, chronically ill population is challenging, and can present a significant obstacle to the advancement of vascular nursing science and best practices. By sharing the recruitment challenges and obstacles encountered, as well as the successes we enjoyed, we hope to contribute to the successful conduct of future trials.

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