
The present work analyzed the application of the multicriteria evaluation method as a tool to assist in the selection of MSW treatment technologies, considering the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the available technologies for MSW treatment; as well as criteria for choosing the most appropriate technologies for waste treatment according to Multicriteria Analysis (AHP); in addition, analyzed the possible combinations of technologies for treatment. As a research methodology, the literature review was applied, and for the application of the multicriteria analysis method, specialists were consulted in the area of urban solid waste management. This consultation was carried out by filling in forms (appendix II) by experts in the field, without their identities and formations being known to the researcher, in order to avoid that their respective formations could influence the interpretation of the data. However, as a way of considering the experience of each specialist, there was another way of consulting them, in parallel to the AHP analysis. In this way, it became possible to compare the application of the AHP method with a direct query. The possibilities of urban solid waste treatment were organized according to the main costs involved, which are collection costs (with or without segregation of waste at the generating source), internal costs of the project and external costs. The technologies considered were the use of landfills, incineration combined with the biological treatment of waste and the incineration without the associated waste. As results, it was evidenced that there is no consensus among the experts regarding the use of urban solid waste treatment technologies.

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