
Inserted in the tradition of research on the field of Brazilian Sociology, the present work aims to present a portrait of Sociology developed in the country from the thematic mapping of research developed in postgraduate programs based on research projects. For that, data obtained from the Sucupira Platform of CAPES on the research projects in force in 2018 of ten postgraduate programs were used. The criteria for the selection of these programs took into account: the regional distribution, the concept of CAPES evaluation and the year of creation. All research projects in force in 2018 were selected, making a total of 538 projects. From the counting of the most frequent words in the abstracts or the title, the projects were classified into 19 thematic categories. Based on this analysis, we verified the predominance of research on Social Theory, Culture and Politics. The research agenda and problems follow an internal logic of scientific development, which is associated with the social and regional problems of Brazilian society

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